Check out our latest Artist Talks on Youtube and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for updates and new talks!
Guttenberg Arts is pleased to showcase their space and programming in conjunction with a gallery talk highlighting our current exhibition by artist Rob Swainston.
Join us for an installation walk through with Swainston and a special guest interviewer and learn the story and process behind “America is Really Hard to See”, Rob’s new large-scale print installation and room-sized print-based stop animation.
Date: Sunday Nov. 24th 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Place: Guttenberg Arts Gallery, 6903 Jackson St., Guttenberg NJ
Light refreshments will be served; this event is free and open to the public.
This lecture will be a walk-through of the Gutten-garden, the community garden here at Guttenberg Arts gallery, illustrating the principles of artistic eco-scaping directly, and how these principles can be applied to all aspects of the human experience on earth, from how we wash our dishes to how we design our communities. With intelligence, conscious intent and the Power of Love.
As the food and medicine focused part of Nestor's "Re-wilding The Caged Human" series, many gardening "how-to" type tips and ideas will be shared, as well as some home-made products from the GuttenGarden!
More of a conversation than a "lecture", questions are encouraged throughout the session, making each meeting a unique event, organically unfolding moment to moment, like Life itself. Bring your notebook, a cup, a spoon, questions, and your beautiful smile!
This event is free and open to the public and will take place at the Guttenberg Arts Garden on Sunday, September 29th at 1pm.
Nestor is a Poet, Artist, Herbalist, Teacher, Earthling, son, brother, uncle, friend. An expert Gardener and Aquarist, he designs gardens and ecologically sound landscapes filled with food, culinary and medicinal plants of all kinds.
The showcase is a celebration of indigenous and community filmmaking in the Quecha languages spoken throughout the Andes and by immigrants in the United States.
Guttenberg Arts was very excited to host the May Sumak Quichwa Film Festival "Warmikuna: Women in Quichwa Film"
Saturday, June 16th 2018
7:30pm - 11:00pm
Featuring 6 short films centered on indigenous women's experiences and perspectives both in front of and behind the camera. Q&A with filmmakers Elva Ambia, Olga Tene, Frida Muenala and Patricia Yallico to follow screenings. Moderated by Jamie San Andreas.
Cabinet of Curiosities: Artist Talk with Carlos Demedeiros
This Artist Talk took place at the Guttenberg Arts Gallery in Guttenberg NJ. Carlos DeMedeiros is a self taught artist, who works exclusively with found and discarded objects, reassembling and turning them into singular creatures, scenes or artifacts.
“Women in Print,” presented by Guttenberg Arts, took place on Wednesday April 22, 2015 from 6-8pm. Generously hosted by International Print Center New York with support provided in part by POWarts, the Professional Organization for Women in the Arts.
Rocio Aranda-Alvarado: Curator, EL Museo del Barrio
Judith Brodsky: Artist, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Department of Visual Arts, Rutgers University and Founding Director of the Brodsky Center
Jennifer Farrell: Associate Curator, Department of Drawings and Prints, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dusica Kirjakovic: Executive Director, Lower East Side Printshop
Kristen Schiele: Artist, KAYROCK printing
Danielle Tegeder: Artist, Associate Professor of Art, CUNY at Lehman College
Moderator; Caitlin Masley-Charlet: Artist, Deputy Director, Guttenberg Arts